virus: Strongly related subject

From: Keith Henson (
Date: Sun Nov 30 2003 - 10:13:16 MST

  • Next message: Kid-A: "virus: Re:to the students here"

    This post which was on cryonet this morning should be of interest here.

    I am also sending it to the memetics list

    Keith Henson

    Message #22967
    Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 01:57:46 -0700
    From: Mike Perry <>
    Subject: Libertarianism, Cryonics, Religion

    Recent exchanges on libertarianism inspired the following, with an
    additional boost from some remarks on religion. I begin with some issues
    that seemed to call for further, brief comment, then move on to tie in
    libertarianism with cryonics and immortalism (albeit in a somewhat limited
    way). Finally I address the subject of religion, with some thoughts on why
    a scientific version may be both feasible and desirable at this point, and
    some tentative suggestions of how I intend to proceed with such a project.

    The point seems well-established that no libertarian system has been tried
    and shown itself able to stand on its own and out-compete alternatives. I
    argued that the failure of libertarianism to take firmer hold has deep
    roots in human nature, including the fact that people exist, in some
    measure, to perpetuate their genes rather than being motivated by more
    rational self-interest. (It's the genes, we could say, that motivate their
    hosts to do what is "rational" from the genes' point of view.) Some think
    of the system in place in the days of the Founding Fathers as much closer
    to a libertarian system than today's U.S. governmental apparatus and in
    certain important ways they are right, particularly as regards the federal
    government-though it was still not fully libertarian. They see the
    historical trend, though, if I understand it right, as being one of a
    steady erosion of individual freedoms and usurpation of authority, which
    may culminate in a complete totalitarian system. The federal government, it
    is true, has tremendously increased its powers and control over the past
    two centuries, and this may seem to reflect an unstoppable trend toward
    full totalitarianism. But I think that, if you consider the system as a
    whole, which means government on all its levels, there are strong
    countervailing tendencies. In 1790, for instance, women couldn't vote and
    blacks could be owned as property. These things were not mandated in the
    Constitution but were not forbidden either, and did exist as an accepted
    part of the total system.

    As our history unfolded, people demanded the abolition of slavery and the
    enfranchisement of women, and these reforms took place. In some other ways
    you can see progressive reforms, such as the elimination of "blue" laws
    against working on religious holidays, outlawing of racial segregation, and
    the recent Supreme Court decision banning laws against private sexual acts
    between consenting adults. Other reforms are possible too, of course,
    depending on what the people feel is right and proper and try to see
    enacted via their power to vote. (And we have seen reforms in some other
    countries too, most notably in the collapse of communism in the Soviet
    Union and Europe and its ongoing accommodations with capitalism elsewhere.)
    This brings us to the present.

    Today we have better opportunities for both good and bad than ever before.
    The bad possibilities should not be overlooked, but here I will focus on
    the good ones, from an immortalist perspective. Mainly, we could transform
    society into something that has never existed, and which bears comparison
    with some of the religious concepts of heaven. We could eliminate diseases
    and aging as well as poverty and even stupidity and the need for employment
    as we now understand it (working at a job you would not choose if
    independently wealthy).

    Reforms on this level, though, would require, among other things, modifying
    the basic human organism. Some fearful pessimists realize this could really
    happen and is perhaps even starting already. They would impose legislative
    measures to bring it to a stop before it goes very far. Their fear of the
    possible downsides exceeds any appreciation of the possible benefits. It
    seems that they would recognize the present human species as a kind of
    "person" in its own right, and an entity with a right to exist surpassing
    that of the individuals who now comprise that very species but who might
    voluntarily abandon it under foreseeable circumstances. So they would
    impose restrictions on an individual's right to choose, for instance, a
    treatment to eliminate aging, and the physical means to otherwise improve
    one's body and/or mind, were such to be developed. They fear that allowing
    this sort of thing would result in something other than homo sapiens
    populating the planet after a period of time. Cryonics has attracted some,
    if limited, notice from this group too. Predictably there has been some
    negative reaction, and we can expect more, since cryonics could serve as a
    stepping stone to an existence other than human, and in any case is
    offensive in its intended purpose of permitting an escape from the normal
    attrition of aging. (So far I think cryonics is mostly dismissed on grounds
    that it has no serious chance of working anyway, but that could change if
    there were more appreciation of the scientific case for cryonics,
    particularly with some new preservation protocols.)

    The fears of these people, I think, are well founded-the possibilities
    really do threaten the biological homo sapiens. The threat exists through
    the free, voluntary choices of individuals who could decide to opt out of
    what they would perceive as a biological strait-jacket. As immortalists, of
    course, we demand the right to choose, should the option present itself.
    Ultimately, that body of ours must be found wanting, if for no other
    reason, because it is running down and in time will run no more, unless
    something is done. We are not concerned about the "needs of the species" if
    said needs require our physical sacrifice. Some powerful guarantees of our
    freedom of choice would thus be in order. It is unfortunate that such
    libertarian thinking as Mill's principle was not firmly embedded in our
    legal framework; it would serve us well. All is not lost, though; as one
    ray of hope, the Declaration of Independence (not a part of U.S. law but
    still widely respected) recognizes the rights to life, liberty, and the
    pursuit of happiness. You could use it to justify a person's right to
    choose to have his aging process reversed, with extension to other
    improvements. If such procedures were available there should be widespread
    support, which should be helped by this historic precedent. (I also think
    the respect for freedom to date in the U.S., even if it stops short of full
    libertarianism, has helped keep cryonics legal, given that the public is
    not particularly interested in it and is even somewhat repelled.) So the
    ayes would probably outshout the background noises of any holdout luddites.
    But now we have to confront the fact that the proven procedures are not in
    place, and the nay-sayers are making their bid to try to forestall the very

    Ironically, they could win, and the consequence could be the destruction of
    the very species they are trying to save--or perhaps the lesser calamity of
    a new and lengthy, technophobic dark age. Such could be the outcome if we
    don't achieve liberation from our present human form, as a consequence of
    the resulting stagnation and frustration. Imagine a steady-state homo
    sapiens culture, with individuals dying as usual and new ones being born
    who would have to relearn everything from square zero to keep the system
    going. Life would become more or less a zero-sum game (as it was until
    relatively recent times), with a constant struggle between haves and
    have-nots. It could, among other things, make a good breeding ground for
    terrorists of many different stripes and gripes, some of them, it may be
    presumed, having considerable brilliance along with the traditional
    fanatical hatred. Sooner or later, one misguided group or lone individual
    could wreak horrible damage, if some rogue nation didn't do it first. But
    along with that would surely be a scientific, constructivist underground
    which would be trying to topple the system in a very different and more
    hopeful way, that is to say, provide the means for individuals to escape
    the dreary birth-death cycle and become something more than human.

    I doubt if matters will come to the point of a worldwide ban on good
    science, however. If it did come to that in the West, national rivalries in
    other parts of the world, Asia, and yes, the Middle East too, would kick
    in, and you'd see more of the good progress happening there. Our backward
    bailiwick might then sense it was being left in the dust, undo its
    repressive policies, and get moving again. In any case, the prospects for
    the biological homo sapiens don't look good, and we aren't likely to see
    the steady state for very long, if at all. We should be grateful that at
    least one of the alternatives, the path to something higher, is both
    possible and gaining support.

    We wonder what we can and should be doing to further the good alternative,
    and particularly, make it happen for us. Cryonics is an obvious choice-the
    life-extending technologies are not here yet, and this offers our best
    chance of persisting physically until they will be. Beyond that, we can
    talk and otherwise communicate about our choice of cryonics, and try to
    support the important work with our resources allocated as seems fit. I
    will not deal with this difficult subject in any generality here. But I
    will mention one approach that is sometimes suggested and other times
    cautioned against: religion. Religion has been a powerful force in human
    society up to now, and in particular has served to legitimize and honor the
    deep wish felt by humans through the ages to be something more than human.
    True, traditional religions have proposed and promised means of achieving
    this that are not exactly the scientific and technological approach we
    transhumanists are now advocating. But we can make the point that here the
    end really is more important than the means, then try for something more:
    to meet the religionists on something approaching their own turf.

    To do this, we have to think of religion in a different way from those who
    dismiss it as "fantasies about spirits" or insist it must involve belief in
    the supernatural. If you think instead of religion as a process of
    attempting to meaningfully engage with what is of transcendent or ultimate
    significance, the possibility of a rational, scientific religion gains
    plausibility, at least if we can center our attention on what is, in fact,
    of truly deep, beyond-human-level significance. But of course this is just
    what we immortalists are doing with our attempts to overcome death
    scientifically, something we know must become a never-ending quest and take
    us to rather distant reaches of knowable reality if it is to continue.
    Something along the lines of an immortalist religion has been attempted
    with Venturism, but I sense the need for something deeper. This I think
    would fit within the Venturist umbrella--and that's what Venturism is, an
    umbrella movement within which other cryonics-endorsing movements could
    find shelter without being in total agreement. What I am proposing, though,
    would not be an umbrella movement, but a religious enterprise with more
    specific content--it would, of course, not be acceptable to everyone who
    may find the "umbrella" congenial, an inevitable tradeoff.

    Tentatively, I propose to name the new movement Aionism after the Greek
    _aion_, "eternal." It is to be based on my book, _Forever for All_, but to
    more directly address the special concerns of religion, and itself be
    called and considered a religion. Aionism would posit no supernatural
    entity or presence, but would recognize an Ordering Principle or Way of
    things, which is manifest in everything from mathematics to the world of
    our experience. A kind of Dao, then--and Aionism would be a scientific
    Daoism. It would provide a rather generous eschatology for humans--and
    other sentient beings too--eventual resurrection in some meaningful form,
    and eternal happiness, but no guarantee that the path thereto will be
    smooth or swift--which means that one's choices and behavior will
    definitely make a difference. (In particular, choosing cryonics will
    arguably "smooth the path," a subject explored in the book. More generally,
    though, Aionism would advocate the highest moral standards and
    consideration for all that is right and good, insofar as these things can
    be ascertained.) The path of one's existence, though, has special
    significance, progress and growth in an appropriate sense being important,
    with no final state ever being reached.

    Well, I said this will not be for everyone, but we can ask if such a
    project would help our cause overall more than hurt. I think it would, even
    though it could inspire a backlash from traditional religionists who might
    be especially offended by it. But they in turn have to live with each other
    who have different persuasions. And a movement that truly advocates what is
    right and good, as Aionism is to be, must inspire some favorable response
    from the many in traditional religions who also favor these things. So my
    guess would be that with proper presentation Aionism would be accepted at
    least as another kind of religion, again, a variant of Daoism, with special
    emphasis on science on one hand, and individual salvation and immortality
    on the other, which implies that each individual is something rather
    special. I think it could, in particular, serve as a means of clarifying
    and legitimizing in some skeptical minds what it is we really want with our
    "tampering with nature." For we are seeking the loftiest and noblest goals
    imaginable, and yet they are things humans have long dreamed of and sought
    after. It's just that we think we've found a new and better way to approach
    these goals, one that is more rooted in the reality that scientific
    evidence reveals.

    Looked at from the Aionist perspective, then, the human race is a great
    start but not an end-in-itself or final goal. It must be nurtured
    carefully, like a growing child, not stunted, to find a proper destiny
    beyond its present level.

    Mike Perry


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