Re: virus: Re:Nader.

From: Jei (
Date: Tue Feb 24 2004 - 02:01:34 MST

  • Next message: Erik Aronesty: "Re: virus: Re:Nader."

    On Mon, 23 Feb 2004, ElvenSage wrote:

    > It's kind of funny how it works. The people who I think would be
    > the best presidents, are the people who have no chance in hell. I
    > personally do not like Kerry, although he is better then the chimp in
    > office, I believe. I see that same kind of corporate corruption in
    > Kerry... there are a few things about him that just doesn't sit right
    > with me. Dean would have been the better choice, but he has no chance.
    > Dean seems to be more honest and down to earth IMHO.

    Well, Kerry is a member of the Skull & Bones, so my
    bet is on him.

    Isn't it funny how an organization of 800 members
    provides for most of the important positions in the
    US government.

    Really amazing how democracy works.

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