Re:virus: Another Sunday comes and goes.

From: kharin (
Date: Mon Mar 25 2002 - 02:58:06 MST

Hi Violet,

I think I\'d have to follow Blunderov in offering my heartfelt congratulations to you on having so ably demonstrated the courage of your convictions. As I think I said previously, the chances of being able to sway hardened believers is usually quite small, so red faces and sputtering certainly counts as an achievement that should not be undervalued.

I think my response on possible comebacks would be to note that one can literally justify [b]anything[/b] on the grounds your teacher has now advocated, not excluding the existence of fairies at the bottom of the garden. Certainly, if it all comes down to the mystery of faith your teacher has no grounds for asserting catholicism to be anymore of an accurate reflection of god than protestantism, hinduism or islam (That argument wouldn\'t work with all believers, but your teacher doesn\'t exactly sound like the ecumenical type 8) ). In other words, your teacher\'s reply would appear to be \'catholicism is true because I say it is.\'

In other words, just carry on being you.

This message was posted by kharin to the Virus 2002 board on Church of Virus BBS.

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