Re: virus: telepathics is not real. heheheh

From: radek (
Date: Sat May 18 2002 - 15:55:54 MDT

Gecko/20020314 Netscape6/6.2.2
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Archibald Scatflinger wrote:

> The emphasis in house music and rave culture on physiologically
> compatible rhythms and this sort of thing is really the rediscovery of
> the art of natural magic with sound, that sound, properly understood,
> especially percussive sound, can actually change neurological states,
> and large groups of people getting together in the presence of this
> kind of music are creating a telepathic community of bonding that
> hopefully will be strong enough that it can carry the vision out into
> the mainstream of society. I think that the youth culture that is
> emerging in the nineties is an end of the millenium culture that is
> actually summing up Western civilization and pointing us in an
> entirely different direction, that we're going to arrive in the third
> millenium, in the middle of an archaic revival, which will mean a
> revival of these physiologically empowering rhythm signatures, a new
> art, a new social vision, a new relationship to nature, to feminism,
> to ego. All of these things are taking hold, and not a moment too soon.
My personal experience with raves and syncronizing with people has
strangely nothing to do with telepatics.
It seems to be (from my perspective) an entierly
physiological/psychological affair..
Mind you, i have spent the last couple of years trying to understand the
inner workings of syncronized mobs.
But however hard i try to turn this into a telepathic thing it just
won't stand up.

So if it's not thelepathic then what is it?.

Well, i heared someone say a while ago that psychedelic drugs enhance a
part of the brain that has been dormant(ish) since
we were walking around in bear-skins.
This could very well be the case. From experience i know that
psychedelics make me more aware of my surroundings, less able
to describe things in words, slightly paranoia, capable of using
natural forces/resources around me AND able to communicate
with other members of the group without the use of words.

All these things seem to fit the 'primitive human' pattern somehow,
inluding the liking of druminfested music at astounding ammounts of

Another interesting thing is the kind of information that can be
propagated through the mob.
It seems that only the most basic emotions can get through. Also
anything that can be of interest to the entire group will get
through nicely but without details. Nothing too complex basically. So if
someone is thirsty, the group will pick that desire up and arrange for a
But somehow noone has been able to comunicate the wish to wach tv or go
shopping, which are much more complex ideas
than thirst.
Panic is another thing that propagates like shit. Anger, relief and the
'all is well' feeling too propagate nicely.

I have also noticed that there are facial expressions that go along with
every one of these emotions.
It seems to me that this is the main means of communication of the mob
(for emotions that is. For communicating
directions there are i think two other ways namely the direction of the
gaze and the movement of the body itself)

So what's the role of the music then?.
Well, music (or rithm more likely) makes it all happen. It defines when
you are going to recieive information from certain
faces/bodys around you and when it is time to send out your own desires
and when to show to others the desire of people
who are in your sight but obscured to others.
So this is a 3way process. You look at other peoples desires,
superimpose your own desires and comunicate that to receiving
peers. that simple.
Rithm gives everyone a bit of time, standing in the spotlight, looked at
by most people who can see your face.
If there was no timescale noone would know when to comunicate out their
(and others) desires to the group. It would
be a kakophonia of emotional states with no
receiving/understanding/accepting of other peoples emotional states.

Also, anytime i've seen people sync up without music, they created an
artificial rithm for themselfes. This rithm is sorted out in a kindof
trial and error way untill everyone is hooked in and satisfied. So in
the end i think that rithm is somehow essential to this means of

Bringing this back to the primitive human/animal mind, a system like
this would be very handy for survival (that's propably why
it is in there somewhere :).
Imagine a group of proto-humans, say 100 individuals spread over an area.
Walking through a forest.
Their eyes not too well adapted to the night. But still capable of
distinguishing main facial features of their surrounding peers in the
moonlight. (it is actualy proven that humans still can distinguish
between emotional states of people on pictures even under very very
bad light conditions!!! srry but no link to the research but i saw this
on a documentary sometime)

Now if an animal attacks at one side of the group the other end of the
group might not know wether to run or not (running into a
dark forest is not a smart thing to do so you would want to avoid this
if it's not nessesary)
But seeing the panic on the faces of the people around you you will
propably think that it is wiser to run off into the dark forest than
to stay around and face whatever it is that's causing the panic.

It would be very handy for hunting as well. With that kind of means of
silent communication you could easily read your peers
faces and attack the animal as a group and not as an individual. You
could use information on the face of others to predict
the path that the animal is taking even when that animal is obscured by
other people from your group so acting as one group is
much easier with this form of communication than with, say, words.

It is also worth noting that individual desires get filtered out through
this kind of communication. The accumulated emotions communicated
through an individual are always stronger than the will of the ego. If
you are not thirsty (to take out an earlier example) then you will put
less effort into communicating through that someone else is thirsty. But
if you too are thirsty then the combined expression of thirst (yours and
the peer that told you he/she is also thirsty) will make a bigger
impression on the peer you will comunicate it to.

In hunting, when 8 out of 10 peers are telling you that the animal is
getting ready to move to the right but the 2 others tell you otherwise
you will
propably rely on the info the 8 people told you and not the 2 that go
against it.

Another way of using this means of communication is for fun.
If you see other people telling you they feel good, and you add to that
your own experience of feeling good it will be amplified and when you
send that
out into the group it will be amplified even more untill the whole group
will become blissfully saturated with extasy telling each other how good
is feeling.....

All this, in the end, serves as a means for group survival, not only
individual survival. Groups can be much more important for survival of
the species
than individuals. Within groups individuals can specializie in certain
tasks. At the same time individuals will start relying on other peoples
If such a system is in working then the survival of the group (as in not
breaking apart into just individuals) outweights the survival of the
(as in not breaking apart into molecules).
History seems to tell us that the formation of groups was crucial to
human survival throughout history. Working together is what made us
So for me it is not so 'magical' that such a means of communication
exists. It would have been a welcome skill for any group of animals
of speach.

.... well, that's what i think of it... and seing that the milion
still hasn't been picked up i'm bold to say that i'm righter than anyone
trying to explain it the thelepatic way .. ;)

ps. There are SEVERAL experiments set out throughout the world with
different sums of money to be won by someone that can proof
the existence of paranormal activities. needless to say noone had ever
been able to claim any of these prizes for themselfes.......


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