Re: virus: Re:Notice and Proposal of Importance to all Virians

Date: Thu Aug 07 2003 - 12:50:23 MDT

  • Next message: "Re: virus: The partial mind on the CoV and its fate"

    Date sent: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 02:45:24 -0600
    Subject: virus: Re:Notice and Proposal of Importance to
    all Virians
    From: "Kharin" <>
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    > Now, where were we? Oh, yes..
    > "I oppose splitting the CoV because I do not think that a political
    > entity serves the COV in any way, and because cooperation is a vital
    > aspect of any groups ability to compete and grow."
    > Much the same reservations as my own then. Aside from anything else
    > there are dedicated sites for that particular purpose who can
    > doubtless tackle that more effectively. Of course, the converse
    > applies, and the prospect of neocon virus is a horrific one (to me,
    > at any rate).
    > "An agreed upon peace treaty of sorts seems the most likely way, IMO,
    > to reduce tensions. Something along the lines of a "cease fire", then
    > arbitration regarding ways to get along."
    > Since David is developing a more formal policy on this, then I am
    > inclined to be more optimistic regarding such proposals, though they
    > have faltered in the past in the absence of such a policy.
    > "Choose relatively objective observers - perhaps chosen by David, that
    > most all of us will agree is serving the better interest of the CoV.
    > By the looks of the reputation board, this would fall to you, Kharin
    > and Rhino."
    > I have observed that reputations are a very volatile affair, and it
    > seems quite likely that the wheel of fate would turn on that point, so
    > I'm not sure that would be the most stable way of nominating
    > observers. That said, if I were to be asked otherwise, I would of
    > course do what I could.
    Kharin and Rhino would be fine with me, although I would also wish to
    see Kalkor included (three makes a tiebreak). The only reason I do not
    mention Jake and Zloduska is the same reason that I do not mention
    Jonathan; whether it is in fact true or not, the former two are perceived
    as too sympathetic to Hermit, and the latter is perceived as too
    sympathetic to Bill and myself.
    > ----
    > This message was posted by Kharin to the Virus 2003 board on Church of
    > Virus BBS.
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