Re: virus: Re:"Brights" more destructive than good / WSJ attacks atheism

From: Keith Henson (
Date: Mon Oct 13 2003 - 12:16:15 MDT

  • Next message: Kharin: "virus: Re:"Brights" more destructive than good / WSJ attacks atheism"

    At 11:36 AM 13/10/03 -0600, you wrote:

    >[Keith] I don't self-identify as a "bright" but I can see their point in
    >trying to
    >get away from derogatory labels the way other groups have done.
    >[Lucifer] Just out of curiosity, what are the reasons that the brights
    >here do not self-identify with the brights?

    To pretentious for me. That may change in time or perhaps we will come up
    with something else.

    Extropians and transhumanists are some of a number of competing terms.


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