Re:virus: Entertaining Discussion

From: metahuman (
Date: Wed Oct 22 2003 - 00:48:56 MDT

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    The reason why you'd promote this is not for the reasons you stated, but for the reason that you're an arrogant prick with Overconfidence Bias syndrome, and a case of perfectionism.

    Ladies and gentlemen, Kalkor repeatedly insulted me long before I came in with the name-calling in this "discussion."

    * 1. He inferred that I am a theist (which I find offensive) by referring to a section of the e-mail which thanked "God" and assuming (and attempting to force the issue) that I wrote it.

    * 2. He called me a failure by constantly telling me that I failed to do what pleases him. I suppose in that context, I am a failure.

    * 3. He inferred that I am hypocritical by comparing the statement of actuality made in the e-mail to the source footer (which I inserted after making sure there was a clear delineation between e-mail text and citation text with no more than SIX (6) paragraph returns).

    * 4. He inferred that I am ignorant by lecturing me on, basically, how to appease him through his version of "proper" formatting.

    Kalkor was at fault as he did the following:

    * 1. failed to use creativity to understand.

    <metahuman> if you fail to make the connection, further clarification isn't going to help
    <KalGone> I see the connection you're trying to make, but you have not made it in rational terms.

    ... From then on, he obnoxiously insisted that I directly state the connection that he had agreed that he understood.

    * 2. failed to see the document for what it is: humor.

    <KalGone> further, no citation of source is given for ANY of the "quotes", and the document admits that the author is "unknown", and the name and even the town the "principle" lived in are not given
    <metahuman> how does proof of its reality have any relevance to the humor aspect?
    <KalGone> it's just, when you preface a message with "these really existed!" and then at the bottom say "I have no idea if they existed or not, nor do I have any way of verifying this fact"...

    * 3. assumed that I wrote the document while passing judgment.

    <metahuman> call him and ask him for the source if you feel so inclined
    <KalGone> ah, pass the burden of proof onto the observer when it's YOU who posted the message claiming they were true

    It should be noted that I did not claim the text to be true. In fact, since I included the citation of 'unknown', I claimed that there is a possibility that the document may or may not be true.

    * 4. failed to keep in mind that I self-identify as an agnostic atheistic rationalist.

    <KalGone> Posted: 21 Oct [08:17 pm]
    <KalGone> Thank God for church ladies with typewriters.
    <KalGone> These sentences actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services:
    <KalGone> these sentences actually appeared, you claim in your second sentence of the post
    <metahuman> Do you really think that I would ever type "Thank God" except for this instance?

    * 5. failed to realize his failure to comprehend.

    <KalGone> your failure to delineate where the pasting started and your own text stopped is not my problem
    <metahuman> then don't make it your problem
    <KalGone> I'm pointing out that it's YOUR problem
    <metahuman> it's not my problem
    <metahuman> i didn't fail to delineate

    * 6. failed to recognize the obvious delineation.

    <metahuman> you failed to recognized my delineation
    <KalGone> I failed to recognize what? point out your delineation to me so that I may rectify my lack of recognition
    <metahuman> i double-spaced the e-mail text from the footer source text

    * 7. failed to be imaginative again.

    <KalGone> you still haven't explained the relevance of this information, all you've done is change from pulling numbers out of your ass to finding numbers
    <metahuman> you've already made the connection
    <metahuman> i don't need to make it
    <KalGone> no, I'm pointing out that you signed your name to a document claiming that some quotes are true, wherein at the bottom you state explicitly that they are unverifiable, and now you're trying to place the burden of proof on me

    It should be noted that this section of text occurred much later than point #1 and still Kalkor refused to accept the connection that he agreed to have made. In this, he persisted to assume I wrote the document and that I was somehow placing some burden or blame on him. He is wrong because I constantly alerted him to his errs yet he arrogantly denied ever erring and instead called me a failure over and over again.

    * 8. failed to keep in mind the SIX (6) paragraph returns that delineate the e-mail text from the footer text that I had previously mentioned. He still failed to realize that I did not write the document and continued to assume I wrote this and that.

    <KalGone> you did not, in any way, deliniate your text from the "footer" wherein you admit there is no way to verify it. the second line claims they were true and in context appears to be your own quote

    This is also where I put the e-mail text in a quote block.

    * 9. insisted that I am hypocritical.

    <KalGone> I have provided documentation to support my claim that you are hypocritical. I never made any such claim that you "thanked god"

    * 10. denied he claimed that I thanked "God" and later retracted that denial.

    <metahuman> you assumed i wrote the header
    <metahuman> i authored the post not the message
    <KalGone> ok, I guess I claimed you thanked god too

    * 11. failed again to recognize the delineation even though I had placed the e-mail text in a quote block.

    <metahuman> you failed to recognize the delineation
    <KalGone> again, you're trying to place burden on me
    <KalGone> tell me where your delineation is so I can rectify my failure
    <metahuman> kalkor: i more than double-spaced the e-mail text from the footer text as I have previously said

    * 12. arrogantly insisted that these perceived failures do not make them true.

    <KalGone> your claims about my failures do not make them reality ;-}

    They are my reality, Kalkor.

    * 13. continued to insist that I erred.

    <metahuman> 6. You failed to accept the article as humor and instead concentrated on the actuality of the document's claims.
    <KalGone> no, I laughed at the entire document before I pointed out your errors ;-}
    <metahuman> my errors? fuck off
    <metahuman> i made no errors
    <metahuman> you erred, i didn't

    And that is when I finally placed Kalkor on my ignore list which, by the way, is permanent unless some odd happening convinces me to remove persons.

    * Added *!* to ignore list

    14. also ignored online article standards a bit earlier.

    <KalGone> and what system of grammar is a double-spaced line a delineation from a quote and the quoter?
    <metahuman> it is standard in all HTML articles, etc. that a source be at the bottom.
    <metahuman> everything above that source is content.
    <KalGone> so what you're saying, essentially, is that "in design formatting, a double-space is sufficient to serve as a delineation between the quoter and what is being quoted"?
    <metahuman> it was more than a double space
    <metahuman> it was this big
    Paragraph return #1
    Paragraph return #2
    Paragraph return #3
    Paragraph return #4
    Paragraph return #5
    Paragraph return #6
    This IRC "discussion" is another convincing lesson on why forums are more effectively used for communication than IRC.

    This message was posted by metahuman to the Virus 2003 board on Church of Virus BBS.
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