Re: virus: Zionism, Anti-Semitism and American Democracy

From: Erik Aronesty (
Date: Fri Nov 28 2003 - 12:13:05 MST

  • Next message: Blunderov: "RE: virus: Eccentric Rocker Warren Zevon Dies of Cancer"

    I get what you are saying given the context and definitions you provided. However, you still sound like someone with much conviction. Taking the argument as a whole, you sould like someone who has unshakably adopted a failth in himself and his own arguments. While I personally agree with the logic, I'm not certain that it is always effective to communicate in this fashion.

    Or, perhaps I am merely longing for face-to-face conversation in which vast quantities of nonverbal communication take place. This text thing is so limiting.

    One of the things that we do when we speak in person is we assign a "certainty level" to each of our statements. We do this unconciously, through posture and facial expression.

    Much of this critical information is lost when communicating online.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: "David McFadzean" <>
    Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2003 12:57:04
    Subject: Re: virus: Zionism, Anti-Semitism and American Democracy

    Erik Aronesty wrote:
    > "definition of faith that implies that the level of belief in a
    > proposition (the truth value assigned, or confidence, probability or
    > plausability level) is not supported by the evidence available"
    > How much faith do you have in that definition?

    Using the aforementioned definition I have a high degree of confidence
    but very little faith that the definition corresponds to how I use the word.
    I have slightly less confidence and still very little faith that the
    definition corresponds to how most people here use it.

    The evidence available determines a certain level of confidence one
    should ideally have in the truth of a given proposition. Faith is the
    degree to which actual confidence differs from that ideal level.
    Does that make sense? I'll try to find a diagram I created a few years
    ago to illustrate the idea during a similar discussion on this list.


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