Re: virus: Re:Key Trend: The Decline of Trust

From: Erik Aronesty (
Date: Tue Dec 16 2003 - 07:51:50 MST

  • Next message: Blunderov: "RE: virus: Osama bin Laden and the Bushes (was Saddam arrested)"


    I defined trust and then used it as I defined it with complete accuracy.

    My examples are only flawed because you threw out my definition and ignored the context of my statements.

    Trust is not, for me, synonymous with faith.

    Trust, for me, is "rational expectation" and faith is "irrational expectation".

    I choose to make this distinction between the two terms. My definition of trust is, therefore, more useful, as an abbreviation for the concept of "rational or reasoned expectation based on prior experience".

    My definition also coincides with the dictionary definition, but not with some popular usage - as you point out.

    I don'y use the terms interchangably.

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