Re: virus: What's your law?

From: Erik Aronesty (
Date: Sun Jan 18 2004 - 10:32:36 MST

  • Next message: Erik Aronesty: "virus: Life is not a game"

    Two ways of looking at it. Tell me which you prefer:

    Clearly, a game must have rules. This is the definition of a game. Without rules, it is not a game.

    To be a game, life must have a finite number of rules. Surely, there must be rules, and science and philosophy hasve attempted to unearth more and more of them. Still, since we do not know all the rules, then it follows that we do not know the game. Life may, indeed, be a game but we do not know that for certain.

    Another analysis is this: there are no rules in war. War is part of life. Thus although there may be many games in life, life is not entirely a game.

    Another is this: love is not a game. If love is part of life, then life is not entirely a game.

    We can, however make rules, and therefore games, out of love and war.

    But the opponent for whom war is not a game has a great advantage. He can take any action, outside of any rules, to win.

    So, too, in love.

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