RE: virus: Re:terrorising air passengers..

From: Mermaid (
Date: Tue Feb 10 2004 - 02:12:43 MST

  • Next message: Erik Aronesty: "Re: virus: Responsibility"

    [quote from: Blunderov on 2004-02-09 at 10:28:21] Yes I do believe I am. Unless they express opinions which militate against the venture that they have undertaken to foster, I can see no reason to preclude them from expressing themselves as they see fit.
    Presuming that the passengers were under no compulsion to comply with the pilot's suggestion, it is not clear to me that the pilot had harmed the airlines interests and, who knows, he may even have enhanced them.

    [Mermaid]Ok. Here is another example. What about a visit to your neighbourhood post office and the clerk behind the counter passes on religious literature(say..passages from the koran that she finds fascinating after her recent conversion) along with your book of stamps. You dont know her. You are not a moslem. She is not doing it in her free time, but slips it as its a splendid opportunity to spread her passion during her work hours.

    1.How would you react?

    2.How would someone who is not you react?

    3.How should the post office which pays her salary for her time spent behind the counter to do her job react?

    4.Do you also believe that stealing office stationery and supplies is alright?

    An employer pays an employee for his time and skill. One is hired for one's time and one's abilities to add value to the employer's raw resources. If a pilot's actions/words loses an airline customers, it most definitely interferes with the airline's ability to do business profitably. It is no more about rights, but it becomes an issue of abused resources by the employee. Just my two cents.

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