Re: virus: Bush Policies Leading to Destruction of Earth According to Pentagon

From: Erik Aronesty (
Date: Mon Feb 23 2004 - 16:45:58 MST

  • Next message: Erik Aronesty: "Re: virus: Corollary to my prior definition of Trust and Faith"

    The more trials a nation is put through, the more resiliant and powerful its people become.

    Africans will eventually become immune to AIDS, possibly developing a third vector of immunity.

    Chinese are devloping immense resistance to brainwashing techniques, drought and pesticides.

    People in the US and Europe will grow even fatter, lazier, and less motivated.

    Biowarfare with further cull the populations, weeding out people without natural resistances to various agents.

    High tech weapons will be fought against with low-tech wiles, superior training, and dedication. We will enter into a “new age of the Samurai”, where a few powerful individuals will be able to hold off legions of mind-controlled warriors.

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