RE: virus: Re:An Ultimatum

From: Blunderov (
Date: Sat May 22 2004 - 11:52:18 MDT

  • Next message: Blunderov: "RE: virus: FW: News Coverage as a Weapon"

    My take on this one is that all international treaties about
    non-proliferation of nuclear weapons are becoming void, and that is due to
    very real reasons.

    When a sovereign state -- dictatorial or democratic -- sees that the United
    Nations and international law enforcement does not guarantee their integrity
    and safety from nuclear powers, it is each one on their own. The treaties
    have been rendered useless by unilateral actions and/or actions by leading
    groups forged within the UN by means of economic leverage and military
    Ufortunately, the long and painful procedure of building international rules
    during the years of the cold war will have to start from scratch. While
    communication, trade, and some aspects of globalization should be opening up
    borders, greed and empire dreams have made them a means of pressure for
    taking sides with such leading groups centered around nuclear countries.

    As I said, it is each one on their own. It shouldn't come as a surprise if
    Iran or N.Korea see the development of nuclear weapons as the only way not
    to become Iraq or Serbia.

    [Blunderov] Yes immense damage has been done.

    To my mind, the main problem has been and is the Israeli/Palestinian
    conflict. More than 50 years of futility has done nothing to improve
    international relations or the credibility of the UN. On the other hand, the
    UN did score a singular success with the sanctions against South Africa.
    Believe me, those sanctions really did hit home especially, oddly enough,
    the sports sanctions. Go figure.

    A solution needs urgently to be found. A viable state must be created for
    the Palestinians even if it is necessary to build it from the ground up with
    massive international aid. Decisive leadership from the US would be a sine
    qua non. And this will only happen once she comes to realize that Israel is
    more of an albatross around her neck than it is an ally.

    At any rate, a success of this magnitude seems necessary otherwise I fear
    your prognosis is all too probable. Especially if Bush is re-elected. Even
    if he isn't it may, as you intimate, already be too late.

    A new Dark Ages beckons. Mission accomplished?

    Best Regards


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