Re: virus: Re:An Ultimatum

From: Erik Aronesty (
Date: Sat May 22 2004 - 13:24:30 MDT

  • Next message: Mermaid: "RE: virus: The Rumsfeld wriggle."

    When a sovereign state -- dictatorial or democratic -- sees that the United
    Nations and international law enforcement does not guarantee their integrity
    and safety from nuclear powers, it is each one on their own. The treaties
    have been rendered useless by unilateral actions and/or actions by leading
    groups forged within the UN by means of economic leverage and military

    That's the most intelligent and accurate assessment of what happened that I've heard.

    If there's no safety in complying with the UN disarmament, then we'd better build nukes - or else we'll have nothing to defend ourselves with when the US pulls some “terrorist excuse” and decides to invade us. I bet the US could invade Switzwerland right now, if they had some television footage of Bin Laden hanging out in the Alps.

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