RE: virus: War & Peace / Rethinking Iraq

From: Jei (
Date: Thu May 06 2004 - 16:53:56 MDT

  • Next message: rhinoceros: "Re:virus: War & Peace / Rethinking Iraq"

    > Jonathan Davis
    > Sent: 06 May 2004 09:04 PM
    > Have anything on Islamist methods of torture? I thought you might have some
    > of those video clips of people being set alight, having their arms pulled
    > off my jeeps, their testicles cut off or throats cut?

    Oh, I'm sure those are ultra-rare incidents, and will never happen again.
    Besides they were doing that to their own guys. Probably stunt-men hired
    to entertain American TV-crews with FAKEs.


    > Given that the US army dished out less violence to those Iraqis than was
    > typically dished out to army recruits (before hazing was banned), I think
    > they got off lightly.

    I'm sure Iraqi's get their boot-camp training just as harshly, so
    Americans shouldn't whine if they're being photographed or videotaped
    when they're caught as prisoners. - Do we have a deal? You get to
    give torture lite, and Iraqi's get to videotape Americans as they
    eat their muffins and bon bons while they're being held captive?

    Hehehehe! XD

    > Using words like "Torture" and "Abhorrent" is a bit strong. What words do we
    > have left for things like Daniel Perle being sliced open on tape? Are people
    > seriously suggesting there is some equivalence between this ultra-rare
    > conduct of rogue soldiers and what is routine in the Islamic world (torture
    > and murder of prisoners)?

    Sounds like you're inventing and making all sorts of excuses
    for torturers and torturing.

    1) There never was no such thing, it's all a fake
    2) It was limited and done nicely anyway
    3) It only happened once
    4) So we did it regularly with a guide book, but there's no proof
    5) So there's proof of wide-spread torture, but we're still right to
       liberate them from Saddam.

    Really, virians...

    Can't you face the mirror? Your American soldiers
    are JUST AS BAD as the opposition ever was.

    People are all the same. There's no good nor bad side.
    Just people suffering. - Opposing the useless war is the
    only sensible option. Give Iraqis their real independence
    and you will get peace. Don't give it, and you have decades
    of war. - That simple.

    // Jei

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