RE: virus: The Rumsfeld wriggle.

From: Blunderov (
Date: Sat May 08 2004 - 05:40:52 MDT

  • Next message: Erik Aronesty: "Re: Call for politeness (was: RE: virus: War & Peace / Rethinking Iraq)"

    Sent: 08 May 2004 01:05 PM

    Why in God's name would you choose to air such a story at this time? This is
    something our country didn't need to know now. Everyone in this country is
    hanging on for dear life to support the troops, and you have taken all our
    faith in goodness away. How many more reports can we watch like this before
    support fades?

    We are losing our fight with other countries to support us, and now you have
    just sealed it. ... We've just lost the goal of helping anyone over there
    because of this show, and God help us. You are no better then those who did
    these horrible acts. Your reports are bringing down this country.
    --Betsy Berra

    I rest my case.

    [Blunderov] In a sense, Betsy Berra is correct. There really is blood in the
    political water now!

    And all thanks to the power of photography - it's not as if there have been
    no grave ethical questions to consider before this.

    Best Regards

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