RE: virus: Minimal belief set

From: Calvin Ashmore (
Date: Tue Sep 02 2003 - 12:52:07 MDT

  • Next message: Ant: "Re: virus: Appeal for advice"

    For a "minimal belief set" I'm trying to think of statements which are
    impossible to derive from other knowledge, axioms in essence.

    I mainly want a system through which I can disregard certain unfalsifiable
    claims like... "The world doesn't really exist- it's all just part of the
    imagination of some other entity" or "There really *are* faeries, You can't
    see them, you can't percieve their existence in any way, but they're
    there!", and similar such things.

    Alternately- we have no justification for using the scientific method unless
    we're sure that it is meaningful. Not that one would believe *in* the
    scientific method, but rather believe that it describes reality.

    I think right now I'm venturing out into some metalogical limb in which I
    have relatively little power in argument, but hopefully you can understand
    what I'm trying to get at. (And Hermit's prolly going to crack my head on
    this like he did when I first joined the list!)

    But my basic question is whether something at all is needed to be assumed
    (without evidence) before rational discourse can take place, or if it is
    possible to make the statment "I believe nothing (without evidence)"

    That is a very awkward phrasing though. I agree that the definition of
    belief needs to be pondered over.
    Thank you for your thoughtful reply!


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