RE: virus: Warning Signals

From: Blunderov (
Date: Wed May 26 2004 - 15:42:54 MDT

  • Next message: Blunderov: "RE: virus: 'Disturbing' data suggest plot for summer terror"

    Dr Sebby
    Sent: 26 May 2004 10:28 AM
    ...i'll make this brief as possible. my best 'guess' as to some things that

    have happened....

    [Blunderov] I agree with you DrSebby.

    Whilst there is no definitive evidence as to who might have produced the
    Berg extravaganza, that video is highly suspect. All the events surrounding
    it are highly suspicious too. And if one examines (what is known of) the
    consistent history of the CIA and black operations it is entirely within the
    realms of possibility that they had something to do with it.

    It's not impossible, though that it was some freelance outfit. Many
    corporate interests are heavily vested in certain outcomes. Some might
    conceivably wish to give matters a helping hand where possible. And there is
    a powerful meme in American culture of the rebel-hero who steps outside the
    rules in order to realize 'true' <wholesome ideal>.

    Of course, it may be that some itinerant Islamist group found themselves
    with a surplus American corpse on their hands and decided to make the most
    capital they could. Waste not, want not.

    But in the detective thrillers the ace detective always asks these telling

    Who was the last one to see the victim alive?
    Who stood most to gain from the deed?
    Are those people in fact the same person?

    Things that make you go hmm.
    Best Regards.

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