RE: virus: I take a stand...about the middle east

From: Zloduska (
Date: Sat Mar 16 2002 - 14:46:02 MST

some puppet wrote in response to Violet:

> > Now, if the stupid
> > Amur'can government would just say what they were actually doing
> > trying to
> > eradicate unfriendly and often bad governments--I'd really be okay..
> The Amur'can government is not stupid. You are. Tell me your accomplishments
> so that I can compare them to the stupid people, your words, running our
> country..

I, Zloduska, hereby bestow upon you the first annual Church of Virus Nobel
for Spectacular First Impressions.

Good show! Now what will you do with your prize?

By the way, she doesn't have to justify her opinions by proving how intelligent
she is, or her accompliments. Perhaps you are unclear on the concept of

Here is a simple flow chart:

Congregation member - speaker (Violet) --> Congregation member - reader (us)
<insert circular arrow here>

random asshole (you) ||

Clearly, you have disrupted the fluidity of our system here by being a pompus
jerk. I hope this explanation helps.

Have a nice day.

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